El temporal Filomena ha arrasado a su paso por España. La nevada también ha golpeado con dureza a las zonas más rurales, cubriendo de nieve y hielo campos de cultivo, invernaderos y granjas de animales. Greenpeace lleva toda la semana documentando los impactos de este fenómeno meteorológico extremo y, de la mano del fotógrafo Pedro Armestre, ha conseguido imágenes aéreas exclusivas que ilustran la vulnerabilidad de la producción agrícola y ganadera ante el cambio climático.

“Filomena deja patente la vulnerabilidad de la producción agrícola, pero muestra también que cuanto más diversificada, más resiliente”, ha señalado Luis Ferreirim, responsable de la campaña de Agricultura de Greenpeace: “Este temporal, al igual que la pandemia, nos ha mostrado la enorme importancia de relocalizar la producción agrícola, fomentar la agricultura urbana y periurbana y crear centros logísticos que den soporte a la pequeña producción alimentaria y a las comunidades rurales así como insistir en el desarrollo de los canales cortos de comercialización”.

Greenpeace insiste en la necesidad de que la ciudad se reconcilie con el campo y le dé la relevancia que merece, como conservador de la biodiversidad y como tabla salvavidas ante la crisis climática. La organización ecologista considera que no es posible seguir alimentando un modelo productivo y consumista que destruye las bases del sector alimentario, hipoteca su futuro y el de todos los seres vivos.

"La ciencia nos urge a actuar en todos los sectores para reducir el calentamiento global, pero el sector agrícola está casi ausente en todas las políticas climáticas, tanto estatales como internacionales. Filomena nos vuelve a recordar que la alimentación es un sector estratégico y, por nuestro bien y el de todas las especies con quienes compartimos casa, es fundamental un cambio de modelo y apostar de forma decidida por la agroecología", ha concluido Ferreirim.

Durante esta semana, Greenpeace ha documentado gráficamente las consecuencias del temporal en un contexto de cambio climático:

15/01/2021. Embalse de El Pardo, Madrid. EspañarrUngulados sin acceso a pasto, en el Embalse de El Pardorr ©Greenpeace/Pedro Armestrerr©Greenpeace Handout/Pedro Armestre- No sales - No Archives - Editorial Use Only - Free use only for 14 days after release. Photo provided by GREENPEACE, distributed handout photo to be used only to illustrate news reporting or commentary on the facts or events depicted in this image.rrGreenpeace travels to Utiel to see how the awarded companies of Ecoembes illegally store plastic containers instead of being recycledr©Greenpeace/Pedro Armestrerr©Greenpeace Handout/Pedro Armestre- No sales - No Archives - Editorial Use Only - Free use only for 14 days after release. Photo provided by GREENPEACE, distributed handout photo to be used only to illustrate news reporting or commentary on the facts or events depicted in this image.

Embalse de El Pardo, Madrid.

©Greenpeace/Pedro Armestre

15/01/2021. Embalse de El Pardo, Madrid. Espa–arrUngulados sin acceso a pasto, en el Embalse de El Pardorr ©Greenpeace/Pedro Armestrerr©Greenpeace Handout/Pedro Armestre- No sales - No Archives - Editorial Use Only - Free use only for 14 days after release. Photo provided by GREENPEACE, distributed handout photo to be used only to illustrate news reporting or commentary on the facts or events depicted in this image.rrGreenpeace travels to Utiel to see how the awarded companies of Ecoembes illegally store plastic containers instead of being recycledr©Greenpeace/Pedro Armestrerr©Greenpeace Handout/Pedro Armestre- No sales - No Archives - Editorial Use Only - Free use only for 14 days after release. Photo provided by GREENPEACE, distributed handout photo to be used only to illustrate news reporting or commentary on the facts or events depicted in this image.

©Greenpeace/Pedro Armestre

15/01/2021. Embalse de El Pardo, Madrid. Espa–arrUngulados sin acceso a pasto, en el Embalse de El Pardorr ©Greenpeace/Pedro Armestrerr©Greenpeace Handout/Pedro Armestre- No sales - No Archives - Editorial Use Only - Free use only for 14 days after release. Photo provided by GREENPEACE, distributed handout photo to be used only to illustrate news reporting or commentary on the facts or events depicted in this image.rrGreenpeace travels to Utiel to see how the awarded companies of Ecoembes illegally store plastic containers instead of being recycledr©Greenpeace/Pedro Armestrerr©Greenpeace Handout/Pedro Armestre- No sales - No Archives - Editorial Use Only - Free use only for 14 days after release. Photo provided by GREENPEACE, distributed handout photo to be used only to illustrate news reporting or commentary on the facts or events depicted in this image.

©Greenpeace/Pedro Armestre

15/01/2021. Embalse de El Pardo, Madrid. Espa–arrUngulados sin acceso a pasto, en el Embalse de El Pardorr ©Greenpeace/Pedro Armestrerr©Greenpeace Handout/Pedro Armestre- No sales - No Archives - Editorial Use Only - Free use only for 14 days after release. Photo provided by GREENPEACE, distributed handout photo to be used only to illustrate news reporting or commentary on the facts or events depicted in this image.rrGreenpeace travels to Utiel to see how the awarded companies of Ecoembes illegally store plastic containers instead of being recycledr©Greenpeace/Pedro Armestrerr©Greenpeace Handout/Pedro Armestre- No sales - No Archives - Editorial Use Only - Free use only for 14 days after release. Photo provided by GREENPEACE, distributed handout photo to be used only to illustrate news reporting or commentary on the facts or events depicted in this image.

©Greenpeace/Pedro Armestre

15/01/2021. Aranjuez, madrid. Espa–ar ©Greenpeace/Pedro Armestrerr©Greenpeace Handout/Pedro Armestre- No sales - No Archives - Editorial Use Only - Free use only for 14 days after release. Photo provided by GREENPEACE, distributed handout photo to be used only to illustrate news reporting or commentary on the facts or events depicted in this image.rrGreenpeace travels to Utiel to see how the awarded companies of Ecoembes illegally store plastic containers instead of being recycledr©Greenpeace/Pedro Armestrerr©Greenpeace Handout/Pedro Armestre- No sales - No Archives - Editorial Use Only - Free use only for 14 days after release. Photo provided by GREENPEACE, distributed handout photo to be used only to illustrate news reporting or commentary on the facts or events depicted in this image.

Aranjuez, Madrid

©Greenpeace/Pedro Armestre

15/01/2021. Aranjuez, madrid. Espa–ar ©Greenpeace/Pedro Armestrerr©Greenpeace Handout/Pedro Armestre- No sales - No Archives - Editorial Use Only - Free use only for 14 days after release. Photo provided by GREENPEACE, distributed handout photo to be used only to illustrate news reporting or commentary on the facts or events depicted in this image.rrGreenpeace travels to Utiel to see how the awarded companies of Ecoembes illegally store plastic containers instead of being recycledr©Greenpeace/Pedro Armestrerr©Greenpeace Handout/Pedro Armestre- No sales - No Archives - Editorial Use Only - Free use only for 14 days after release. Photo provided by GREENPEACE, distributed handout photo to be used only to illustrate news reporting or commentary on the facts or events depicted in this image.

©Greenpeace/Pedro Armestre

15/01/2021. Aranjuez, madrid. Espa–ar ©Greenpeace/Pedro Armestrerr©Greenpeace Handout/Pedro Armestre- No sales - No Archives - Editorial Use Only - Free use only for 14 days after release. Photo provided by GREENPEACE, distributed handout photo to be used only to illustrate news reporting or commentary on the facts or events depicted in this image.rrGreenpeace travels to Utiel to see how the awarded companies of Ecoembes illegally store plastic containers instead of being recycledr©Greenpeace/Pedro Armestrerr©Greenpeace Handout/Pedro Armestre- No sales - No Archives - Editorial Use Only - Free use only for 14 days after release. Photo provided by GREENPEACE, distributed handout photo to be used only to illustrate news reporting or commentary on the facts or events depicted in this image.

©Greenpeace/Pedro Armestre

15/01/2021. Aranjuez, madrid. Espa–ar ©Greenpeace/Pedro Armestrerr©Greenpeace Handout/Pedro Armestre- No sales - No Archives - Editorial Use Only - Free use only for 14 days after release. Photo provided by GREENPEACE, distributed handout photo to be used only to illustrate news reporting or commentary on the facts or events depicted in this image.rrGreenpeace travels to Utiel to see how the awarded companies of Ecoembes illegally store plastic containers instead of being recycledr©Greenpeace/Pedro Armestrerr©Greenpeace Handout/Pedro Armestre- No sales - No Archives - Editorial Use Only - Free use only for 14 days after release. Photo provided by GREENPEACE, distributed handout photo to be used only to illustrate news reporting or commentary on the facts or events depicted in this image.

©Greenpeace/Pedro Armestre

15/01/2021. Villaconejos, Espa–arrOlivarrr ©Greenpeace/Pedro Armestrerr©Greenpeace Handout/Pedro Armestre- No sales - No Archives - Editorial Use Only - Free use only for 14 days after release. Photo provided by GREENPEACE, distributed handout photo to be used only to illustrate news reporting or commentary on the facts or events depicted in this image.rrGreenpeace travels to Utiel to see how the awarded companies of Ecoembes illegally store plastic containers instead of being recycledr©Greenpeace/Pedro Armestrerr©Greenpeace Handout/Pedro Armestre- No sales - No Archives - Editorial Use Only - Free use only for 14 days after release. Photo provided by GREENPEACE, distributed handout photo to be used only to illustrate news reporting or commentary on the facts or events depicted in this image.

Villaconejos, Madrid

©Greenpeace/Pedro Armestre

15/01/2021. Alcocer, Guadalajara. Espa–arRio tajo congelado en la cola del embalse de Entrepe–as. ©Greenpeace/Pedro Armestrerr©Greenpeace Handout/Pedro Armestre- No sales - No Archives - Editorial Use Only - Free use only for 14 days after release. Photo provided by GREENPEACE, distributed handout photo to be used only to illustrate news reporting or commentary on the facts or events depicted in this image.rrGreenpeace travels to Utiel to see how the awarded companies of Ecoembes illegally store plastic containers instead of being recycledr©Greenpeace/Pedro Armestrerr©Greenpeace Handout/Pedro Armestre- No sales - No Archives - Editorial Use Only - Free use only for 14 days after release. Photo provided by GREENPEACE, distributed handout photo to be used only to illustrate news reporting or commentary on the facts or events depicted in this image.

Alcocer, Guadalajara

©Greenpeace/Pedro Armestre

15/01/2021. P‡lmaces de Jadraque, Guadalajara. Espa–arrEmbalse de Palmaces congelado.rr ©Greenpeace/Pedro Armestrerr©Greenpeace Handout/Pedro Armestre- No sales - No Archives - Editorial Use Only - Free use only for 14 days after release. Photo provided by GREENPEACE, distributed handout photo to be used only to illustrate news reporting or commentary on the facts or events depicted in this image.rrGreenpeace travels to Utiel to see how the awarded companies of Ecoembes illegally store plastic containers instead of being recycledr©Greenpeace/Pedro Armestrerr©Greenpeace Handout/Pedro Armestre- No sales - No Archives - Editorial Use Only - Free use only for 14 days after release. Photo provided by GREENPEACE, distributed handout photo to be used only to illustrate news reporting or commentary on the facts or events depicted in this image.

Pálmaces de Jadraque, Guadalajara

©Greenpeace/Pedro Armestre

15/01/2021. P‡lmaces de Jadraque, Guadalajara. Espa–arrEmbalse de Palmaces congelado.rr ©Greenpeace/Pedro Armestrerr©Greenpeace Handout/Pedro Armestre- No sales - No Archives - Editorial Use Only - Free use only for 14 days after release. Photo provided by GREENPEACE, distributed handout photo to be used only to illustrate news reporting or commentary on the facts or events depicted in this image.rrGreenpeace travels to Utiel to see how the awarded companies of Ecoembes illegally store plastic containers instead of being recycledr©Greenpeace/Pedro Armestrerr©Greenpeace Handout/Pedro Armestre- No sales - No Archives - Editorial Use Only - Free use only for 14 days after release. Photo provided by GREENPEACE, distributed handout photo to be used only to illustrate news reporting or commentary on the facts or events depicted in this image.

©Greenpeace/Pedro Armestre

15/01/2021. Toledo. Espa–ar ©Greenpeace/Pedro Armestrerr©Greenpeace Handout/Pedro Armestre- No sales - No Archives - Editorial Use Only - Free use only for 14 days after release. Photo provided by GREENPEACE, distributed handout photo to be used only to illustrate news reporting or commentary on the facts or events depicted in this image.rrGreenpeace travels to Utiel to see how the awarded companies of Ecoembes illegally store plastic containers instead of being recycledr©Greenpeace/Pedro Armestrerr©Greenpeace Handout/Pedro Armestre- No sales - No Archives - Editorial Use Only - Free use only for 14 days after release. Photo provided by GREENPEACE, distributed handout photo to be used only to illustrate news reporting or commentary on the facts or events depicted in this image.


©Greenpeace/Pedro Armestre

15/01/2021. Españar ©Greenpeace/Pedro Armestrerr©Greenpeace Handout/Pedro Armestre- No sales - No Archives - Editorial Use Only - Free use only for 14 days after release. Photo provided by GREENPEACE, distributed handout photo to be used only to illustrate news reporting or commentary on the facts or events depicted in this image.rrGreenpeace travels to Utiel to see how the awarded companies of Ecoembes illegally store plastic containers instead of being recycledr©Greenpeace/Pedro Armestrerr©Greenpeace Handout/Pedro Armestre- No sales - No Archives - Editorial Use Only - Free use only for 14 days after release. Photo provided by GREENPEACE, distributed handout photo to be used only to illustrate news reporting or commentary on the facts or events depicted in this image.

©Greenpeace/Pedro Armestre